To your contacts, the last time your status was set to active or do not disturb is shown under your chat header as Last seen - days, hours, or minutes ago. Your presence status is hidden so that you appear to be offline but calls and messages aren't blocked. What does last seen days ago mean in Skype? Try to send the person a message if it says it is undeliverable or if it's incessantly shown as trying to send, those are other signs that you've been blocked. If the icon beside their name is a question mark, they may have blocked you. What does it look like if someone blocked you on Skype? You can change your mind any time during the 60 days, just sign in to cancel the closure. We wait 60 days before permanently deleting accounts in case you change your mind or need to access something before it's gone. Your Microsoft account will be closed in 60 days. How long does it take to delete Skype account?